“The Totality Of God and the Izunome Cross” is available for sale in two editions: a large, soft-cover version containing the main text, and a digital version that includes the ENCORE section, an additional 26 articles. (These are also downloadable from this site.) But early in the writing process it was decided to make key portions of the book available online without charge, since it was felt that the dissemination throughout the world of the information they contained should transcend financial consideration. Excerpts include sections of the main text, as well as select essays from the Encore section, often with additional explanation.
They are presented for your personal use, and are not intended nor permitted for redistribution in any form, in whole or part.
After completing the Fourth Digital Edition of “The Totality Of God and the Izunome Cross,” it was the author's intention to follow up with a series of supplementary articles based upon its philosophy. The first of these, "Harmonic Creation - The Link Between the CMBR and DNA," was written in 2010 as the culmination of an eight year quest, begun once the sonic paradigm for it was revealed in DNA, to find proof of the Theory of Harminic Creation within the remnant heat signature of the Big Bang.
Further articles will be added as the journey continues.
Six articles, five from the main list and the first to be added since, have been included in HTML versions for easy viewing within a webpage. They are offered as a comprehensive presentation of the practical applications of the Theory of Harmonic Creation as they have been revealed through the author's study of music and mathematics. It begins with the first such study, the harmonic analysis of the resonant frequencies in DNA and the Giza Pyramid, and ends with the resolution of the prediction made in that article regarding the role Harmonic Creation played in the Universe's birth.
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